The Charitable Partner of New York State’s Public Lands and Waters
For over 50 years, the Natural Heritage Trust has worked to preserve New York’s public lands and enhance programs at state parks and historic sites. Our mission is to receive and administer gifts, grants and contributions to further public programs for parks, recreation, cultural, land and water conservation and historic preservation purposes of the State of New York.

Better Together
We accomplish our mission by accepting donations, raising funds, and through cooperative programs with our agency partners: The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of State.

The Power of Philanthropy
& the Promise of Parks
The Natural Heritage Trust is honored to present the publication The Power of Philanthropy & the Promise of Parks, an account of the remarkable role of private individuals and partnerships in creating, protecting and enhancing New York's state parks over the last century.

Our Impact
The NHT directly supports programs like Ladders to the Outdoors, free Learn-to-Swim at New York’s state parks, overnight summer camp experiences in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains, and environmental education at premiere nature centers, including the Humphrey Nature Center at Letchworth State Park and the Jones Beach Energy & Nature Center at Jones Beach State Park.

How You Can Help
Donations to the NHT directly support state parks, historic sites, and land, water and environmental conservation in New York State.