Natural Heritage Trust

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Public Hearing Notice

The Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) will hold a public hearing on Friday, January 20, 2023 to receive public comments on proposed draft resolution and procedures that pertain to the use of videoconferencing by its Board. The proposed changes would allow for NHT Board members and/or their designees to attend public meetings via videoconference from a private location if extraordinary circumstances exist, provided that the physical quorum requirement is met. The proposed draft resolution and procedures for videoconferencing is posted on the NHT’s website

Members of the public who want to provide oral comments may attend either in person or join a virtual hearing and are encouraged to pre-register. Members of the public may also provide comments in writing through January 19, 2023. All written comments should be forwarded to one of the following: 

  • By email to:  

  • By mail at: Natural Heritage Trust, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207 

For more information on the Natural Heritage Trust, call 518-474-2997, visit or connect on Facebook. 

When: Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:30 am 

Where: Via WebEx Meeting (information below) or in person at 625 Broadway, Conference Room 1010, Albany, NY 12207 

When it's time, join your Webex meeting here.  

More ways to join:  

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Join by meeting number  
Meeting number (access code): 161 875 1888 
Meeting password: V3vR2pZxiQ4


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+1-518-549-0500 US (English Menu)    

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You can also dial and enter your meeting number.  

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